Lovely 335 Products, Inc.

A Few Words About Us

With hair so beautiful, it has to be Lovely!

Lovely 335 Products Company, Inc.  was started in Greenville, SC in 1970. It began as a rack jobber wholesaler, placing ethnic hair care items in retail stores. In 1974, we began manufacturing our own product line because we saw great potential and felt our research and development warranted this change. We started with only three product lines – Spank-Um, Lovely, and Formulated 335 Perm Gro with aloe vera. Presently, we manufacture over seventy items for the ethnic haircare market, pioneering Silky Sof Braid Sprays & Braid Shampoo, Oganic products, Crown T&M products, Grandma Wilkie’s and Natural Tresses.

Today, our manufacturing facilities are located in Simpsonville, SC. Proudly, our consumers include those in the United States as wells as Europe, Africa, South America and the Bahamas. We are leaders in haircare conditioners and specialize in maintenance products. We pride ourselves in constantly researching the latest natural ingredients in order to supply our customers with the best products for their hair. We receive many letters from our customers who express great satisfaction with our products. That is why our ultimate goal is to satisfy the customer. We became in leader In hair care by using herbal ingredients in our products back in 1974. Our products have stood the test of time because our main business is improving the health of your hair.  We take care of your hair!